

SE Oregon Desert Landscapes & Star Trails 

Steens Mountains, Alvord Desert, Leslie Gulch, Desert Flowers

4-Day Workshop, $1595** – Limited to 6 Students

August 5-8, 2021 

Meet and Greet on August 4 at 5 PM at Boise, ID airport, United Baggage Claim

Southeast Oregon is arguably one of the most beautiful and vast desert and mountain landscapes in all of the USA. The imposing Steen’s mountains seem to run at breakneck speed down to meet the base of the vast desert floor, better known as the Alvord Desert, where cars and motorcycle have broken many sanctioned speeding records. More than anything else, this area is a photographer’s dream by both day and night with its vast open skies of billowing, white puffy clouds which surrender to the night sky revealing a ceiling covered in billions of stars. This is where the “deer and the antelope play”, literally! Over the course of this four-day workshop you see other wildlife as well, including Golden Eagles and quite possibly a rattlesnake or two! But do not fear, as we will NOT go seeking a rattlesnake and you need not worry about ‘surprising’ one since most if not all of the rattlesnakes are far from the few walking paths that we would be on. Other than the occasional grove of locust trees and abandoned farmsteads, this is a sage covered desert landscape surrounded by craggy mountains and deep gorges. It is a desert and mountain landscape lover’s paradise.

August 4-5:

We will meet in the United Airlines Baggage claim area between 5pm-7pm on August 4 and lodge for one night south of Boise.

August 5 -7:

We will arise early and take a slow drive towards the town of Fields where we will lodge for the next three nights. Fields has a grocery store and a restaurant and we will take the opportunity to buy some ‘staples’ before leaving the Boise area on August 5.

August 7-8:

On the morning of Aug 7, we depart Fields and take a slow drive back towards Boise, spending one night in the town of Jordan Valley.  We will visit Leslie Gulch and Succor Creek State Park and shoot the night sky.  Around noon on August 8, we will check out of the hotel in Jordan Valley and return to Boise by mid-afternoon, around 4 PM.

**The cost of lodging is not included in your workshop fees.  Hotels have been selected so that workshop participants can lodge together and Lisa will provide the hotel information well in advance so that participants can make their own reservations.

To sign up for this workshop or ask to be on the waitlist, send an email to Lisa Phillips at [email protected].